You - and we - need to be sure it's what you really want to do and that you're ready and able to make that commitment. The following checklist should help you quickly assess whether Skillshare International might be right for you. If you answer yes to all of these questions, then we would very much like to hear from you.

Are you the right age?
If you are over 21 and under 62 then you can apply for development worker jobs. Our Action Health Programme for health trainers has no upper age limit.

Are your qualifications and experience likely to be appropriate?
The range of skills we're looking for is incredibly varied, covering a wide variety of occupations. However, whatever your field of work, you need to have a combination of a relevant professional qualification and relevant work experience - normally at least two years.

Would you be able to spend two years in Africa or Asia?
In most cases, two-year placements are necessary to give you the chance to make a lasting impact. However, for some placements, shorter periods are considered if it is felt that you can still make an effective contribution in that time.

Are you willing to work for a modest living allowance?
Although you will receive a modest living allowance which affords a reasonable standard of living, salaries are not comparable with what you might earn at home.

Are you resourceful and open to new ways of learning?
Importantly, you will need to be flexible enough to adapt your skills to suit local conditions and the resources available.

Would you be willing to share the living conditions of those around you?
While the accommodation you are provided with can vary considerably, for example, depending on whether you're based in a rural or an urban area, it will always be in keeping with local conditions

Would you be able to adapt to a different culture and lifestyle?
Living and working in Africa or Asia can be personally and professionally very challenging. You'll have to adjust to a new way of life, and face up to problems you've probably never encountered before. However, in doing so, you'll derive a real sense of personal growth and achievement

Are you able to attend a selection day at your nearest office?
Most applicants will need to attend a selection day at our UK office in Leicester. Applicants from within Africa and Asia can alternatively attend selection at one of our country offices in the region.


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